Jozef Sobolewski

Chairman of NC2I and Member of GB SNETP

Jozef Sobolewski

Graduated in nuclear physics at the Physics Faculty at the University of Warsaw. Scholarship holder of Max-Planck Society. Postgraduate studies and PhD at Physics Faculty of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz (Germany). Certified Master of Business Administration at Warsaw University of Business.

Over 14 years of scientific activity in nuclear physics at research institutes in Poland and Germany. Over 20 years of work in American IT corporations, at various managerial positions related to implementation of IT systems, business development and sales administration operations at regional level. Business development consultant in the energy sector.

Former director of Nuclear Energy Department at Ministry of Energy. Polish representative in international organizations related to nuclear energy, including OECD NEA and IFNEC.

Currently plenipotentiary director for High Temperature Reactors development at National Centre for Nuclear Research. Approved by European Council as a member of the Euratom Scientific and Technical Committee until 2023. Chairman of the European Nuclear Cogeneration Industry Initiative (NC2I) and member of the Governing Board of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP). Co-Chair of the EC Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan working group on Nuclear Safety.


Funded & Hosted by

SETcon 2022 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme