Jiří Duspiva

Director of the Nuclear Safety and Reliability Division at ÚJV Řež

Jiří Duspiva

Jiří Duspiva graduated from the Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, majoring in Thermal and Nuclear Machines and Equipment. After graduation, he joined ÚJV Řež, where he worked as a researcher in the field of severe accident research and since 2012 as the Head of the Department of Severe Accidents and Thermomechanics.

During his work at ÚJV Řež he held positions as a team leader of national projects or parts of them (CR MIT, TAČR, SONS) and international projects in EC Framework Programmes, OECD/NEA, and IAEA projects, where he also worked as an external specialist/lecturer or member of the author team of the report on the accident at Fukushima NPP. He has represented ÚJV Řež or the Czech Republic for a long time (Cooperative Severe Accident Research Program organized by the US NRC, OECD NEA WGAMA) or still represents in a number of international programs (OECD/NEA CSNI, SNETP GA, ESNII, V4G4 NoE). He has also been involved in a number of severe accident management projects for Czech NPPs, with a specific focus on Temelín NPP.

He is also a long term member of the CNS, where he has served as Vice President since 2014 and has represented the CNS in the ENS since 2017, and is also a member of the ENS Board since 2017.



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SETcon 2022 has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme